Sandy Point, Victoria

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Successful Walk and Weed

Roy Henderson Track, April 8, 2023

We were very lucky on our Walk and Weed session on Saturday 8 April that the rain held off and we had perfect weeding weather. We had a total of 20 participants for the morning. 

The objective was to remove 2 climbing weeds and 2 woody weeds from the sides of the RH Track. 

The climbing weeds targeted were Asparagus Fern and Bridal Creeper. The roots and corms of these were removed using the tools purchased with our SG Shire Council Grant, especially the "weeding knives" that can be seen in one of the attached photos. The photo also shows the vests purchased with the grant.

The smaller Mirror bush and Pittosporum were able to be hand pulled and left to die in the scrub. The weed ID leaflets attached were produced to help everyone identify the target weeds and similar native plants to avoid removing. But nothing beats being shown the actual plants!

We hope that everyone involved will be able to use their experience to take care of any remnant bush on their own properties or to be confident to remove weeds on their walks along our tracks at Sandy Point.

In one hour and a bit, 20 people weeded from the track/road intersection down to the Banksias that are infested with another climbing weed - Dolichos Pea. But that's another project. Too much to hand weed!

Due to the possibility of inclement weather the morning tea was held at Henri's place where we enjoyed a welcome cuppa and delicious scones and cakes. Thanks Merryn, Maria and Henri for all your baking.

Thanks also to Christy for having the new WiSP flag flying at the meeting place.

For further inquiries, contact Cherry or Henri by email: