Sandy Point, Victoria

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Austral Stork’s-bill

Pelargonium australe

Photo: CT

COMMON NAME : Austral Stork’s-bill

BOTANICAL NAME : Pelargonium australe

FAMILY : Geraniaceae


SIZE : Small <2m

EVC : Coastal Dune Scrub, Coast Banksia Woodland

LOCAL NOTES: Flowers in a flower cluster (umbel) with 6-12 pink flowers with crimson to purple veins from October to February.

Location: Widespread in Waratah Bay-Shallow Inlet Coastal Reserve and can be observed trackside on Manuka 5 & 6, Horse Track and along the Roy Henderson Trail. It grows in Sandy Point blocks that have not had native vegetation cleared.

Contributor HB


LEARN MORE : Species profile for this plant at VicFlora. Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

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