Sandy Point, Victoria

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Bluebell Creeper / Western Australian Bluebell (weed)

Billardiera fusiformis

Photo: HB

COMMON NAME : Bluebell Creeper, Western Australian Bluebell (weed)

BOTANICAL NAME : Billardiera fusiformis

FAMILY : Pittosporaceae


SIZE : Small <2m


Native to Western Australia and initially an ornamental plant it has become an invasive plant that quickly crowds out and smothers native vegetation in Eastern states.

It has attractive blue bell like flowers followed by purple green seed pods. Its foliage has a distinct odour if pulled. It is difficult to pull to remove its roots once established.

Bluebell Creeper has been found growing in the primary dune area of Sandy Point township, including around the Surf Lifesaving Club. Bluebell Creeper is particularly widespread on the Second Avenue beach access track. Bluebell Creeper plants have been found along the Roy Henderson Trail at Shallow Inlet.

Landcare lists strategies for removal

Contributor : HB


LEARN MORE : Species profile for this plant at VicFlora. Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

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