Sandy Point, Victoria

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Bridal Creeper (weed)

Asparagus asparagoides

COMMON NAME : Bridal Creeper

BOTANICAL NAME : Asparagus asparagoides

FAMILY : Asparagaceae



Native to Southern Africa. Introduced to Australia as an ornamental plant. Now an environmental weed, listed as one of the ten most significant environmental weeds in Australia.

It is a climbing plant and its foliage is characteristically bright green with pointed leaves. Its flowers are white appearing in Spring after which its leaves turn yellow as berries turn red with maturity.

This plant is spread by birds and animals eating the fruits.

Deep digging is required to remove the tuberous root system.

This weed is commonly found at the Sandy Point township end of the Roy Henderson Trail and along the Horse Track.

Contributor: HB


LEARN MORE : Species profile for this plant at VicFlora. Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

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