Sandy Point, Victoria

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Shiny Swamp-mat

Selliera radicans

COMMON NAME : Shiny Swamp-mat

BOTANICAL NAME : Selliera radicans

FAMILY : Goodeniaceae


SIZE : Prostrate

EVC : Coastal Saltmarsh


Prostrate, matting, perennial plant.

It is easily identifiable by its succulent, shiny, bright green, spoon shaped leaves.

It has white to mauve fan-shaped flowers October to April.

In 2023 plants started flowering in Shallow Inlet during December in areas in full sun.

It can be seen in areas along the Roy Henderson Trail close to Shallow Inlet itself and in the salt marsh area.

Contributor : HB


LEARN MORE : Species profile for this plant at VicFlora. Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

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