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AGM of the Sandy Point Community Group (SPCG)

Upcoming AGM

Saturday September 28th, 2024
10.00am at the Community Centre, Sandy Point


Dear SPCG Members and friends of Sandy Point,

You are invited and very welcome to attend our upcoming AGM for 2024.

The SPCG Annual General Meeting will be held on 28th September 2024, commencing at 10.00 am at the Community Centre, Sandy Point. The purpose will be to elect Office Bearers for the following term until the next AGM in 2025, and provide reports from office bearers and Committee.

The AGM will be followed by a General Meeting which will provide a brief update of current projects and an opportunity to raise any issues or concerns and provide feedback, suggestions and ideas.

We are also planning to hold an information session in January 2025 (dateTBA)  to provide you with updates on our projects and encourage your feedback/suggestions & ideas.

Thank you and kind regards,

Anne Kinne, President SPCG



The AGM will be followed by a General Meeting which will provide a brief update of current projects and an opportunity to raise any issues or concerns and provide feedback, suggestions and ideas

Previous AGM Minutes

  • 2023 - September 30, 2023 - - DRAFT, to be ratified.

  • 2022 - January 14, 2023 (rescheduled from Sept 2022)

  • 2021 - January 22, 2022 (rescheduled from Sept. 2021)

  • 2020 - January 30, 2021 (rescheduled from Sept. 2020)

  • 2019 - September 28, 2019


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