About the SPCG
The Sandy Point Community Group, through community engagement, advocates on behalf of the community and is committed to preserving our unique natural environment.
Video credit: litchy76 on YouTube
SPCG was founded in 1986. Over the years, we have responded to key Council initiatives, and advocated for relevant community issues, such as improved phone and internet connections, better toilet facilities, traffic calming measures, caravan park issues, bore set back issues and responding to members’ requests to address identified hazard areas. This coming year we will advocate for the development of a Town Centre Plan by the Shire which might include commercial centre revitalisation, environmental initiatives, tourism initiatives etc. The Waratah Way Shared Trail and the installation of a skate park are still priority projects and toilets at Ned Neale’s are one of several on the wish list.
SPCG also conducts community strengthening events, such as the Sandcastle Competitions that are held on the surf beach each year, generally one at Easter and one during the Christmas holidays (usually between Christmas and New Year). Each year in early January we also hold our popular Foodies and Artisans Market, which showcases a range of local food, drinks and artisan products.
Our committee
Michelle Jelleff - President
Peter Slifirski - Vice President
David Zohs - Treasurer
TBA - Secretary
Joyce Wright
David Skipper
Greg Johnson
Bronwyn Parry-Fielder
Adrian Fyfe
Glenda Scott
Sandra Morris
The SPCG Committee meets bi-monthly, either at the Sandy Point Community Centre, via Zoom, or both.
If you have a question or concern you would like us to address, please get in touch with us here or email info@sandypoint.vic.au.
Upcoming AGM
September 2025, date TBA
at 10.00am at the Community Centre, Sandy Point
Previous AGM Minutes
2024 - September 28, 2024 - DRAFT, to be ratified.
2023 - September 30, 2023
2022 - January 14, 2023 (rescheduled from Sept 2022)
2021 - January 22, 2022 (rescheduled from Sept. 2021)
2020 - January 30, 2021 (rescheduled from Sept. 2020)
2019 - September 28, 2019
Public General Meeting following the AGM
Minutes (28/09/24) - DRAFT, to be ratified
Town Hall Meeting
Notes of Town Hall Meeting (21/01/24)
Please join us with an easy online payment. Select …
Family (household) SPCG membership for a year.
Includes newsletter “Sandy Point News” emailed quarterly, plus occasional email news updates.