Help and Safety
In an Emergency - call Triple Zero (000)
In an Emergency - call Triple Zero (000) 〰️
The following information is provided by the Sandy Point Community Group as a quick guide to services available for your assistance and safety. For updates contact news@sandypoint.vic.au
Stay safe in Sandy Point
In an Emergency call Triple Zero (000)
Flood or storm damage - SES phone: 132 500
Non-Emergency Police Assistance phone: 131 444
AEDs that are accessible 24/7 are located …
outside the General Store
outside the Men’s Shed (next to Fire Station)
AEDs that may be accessible are located …
inside the Surf Club
inside the Community Centre
Follow the visual and voice prompts of the AED.
Perform CPR in cycles of 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths until the AED informs you to "Stop CPR".
Do not remove the AED chest pads while performing CPR.
Medical Services
Foster Medical Centre. Phone: (03) 5682 2088
Toora Medical Centre. Phone: (03) 5686 2203
South Gippsland Hospital. Phone: (03) 5683 9777
Nurse on call. Phone: 1300 60 60 24
After hours GP helpline. Phone: 1800 022 222
Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP)
Sandy Point Community Centre
Church Parade, Sandy Point.
The Sandy Point Community Centre is a designated Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) – a place of last resort in the event of an emergency. The Centre now has solar power batteries which can assist the community to manage any extended power outage.
Shared Roads - Slow Down!
Our roads are shared with walkers, cyclists, horse-riders, kids playing, wildlife including wombats, koalas, echidnas.
Please drive slowly and keep car use to a minimum.
This road sign can be purchased from www.tinsignfactoryaustralia.com.au
Beach Wheelchair
This is available for any person who is disabled, elderly or infirm to enable their access to the beach at Sandy Point.
NB: Two adults are required to push the wheelchair through soft sand when entering and leaving the beach, particularly to get back up the dunes when returning to the boardwalk.
Covid-19 Updates
Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398
Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only. Call the Coronavirus Hotline if you need help to report a rapid antigen test (RAT) or if you have any questions about COVID-19. The Victorian Coronavirus Hotline diverts to the National Coronavirus Helpline every night between 6pm and 8am.
Water Safety
Be aware of surf beach patrols, swim between the flags.
Beachsafe app
Brought to you by Surf Life Saving Australia, the Beachsafe app includes the location, weather, surf conditions and hazards plus the local facilities for all Australian beaches. Importantly, the current lifesaving service for each beach is listed to help you find the nearest patrolled beach. Beachsafe also provides expert advice about rip currents, flags and signs, waves, marine creatures, surf skills and more.
Vic Emergency app
Download the VicEmergency app which provides emergency warnings and incidents for fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and water safety.
VicEmergency hotline: 1800 226 226
Download the Sandy Point Community Information Guide Bushfire: Prepare - Act - Survive pdf.
The Sandy Point Community Centre is a designated Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) – a place of last resort in the event of a bushfire emergency.
CFA Information. Warnings and restrictions.
Sandy Point is in the West & South Gippsland Fire District.
New AFDRS (Australian Fire Danger Rating System)
Boating Safety
Call Triple Zero (000) and ask for Water Police if a distress or rescue situation occurs.
Water Police will be able to direct the correct response.
For information on boating safety …
Injured Wildlife
If you see sick or injured wildlife, report it to Wildlife Victoria immediately:
Call Wildlife Victoria (03) 8400 7300
or use the online reporting form on the Wildlife Victoria website
Local Vet
Ph (03) 5682 2757
15–17 Court St, Foster, VIC, 3960
Poisons & Venoms
Victorian Poisons Information Centre. Phone: 131 126 if someone …
Has been poisoned
Has overdosed
Has made a mistake with medicines
Has been bitten or stung by something venomous (for example a snake, spider, bee or wasp)
Snake Bite
Be aware that snakes share our environment, and will be more active as the weather warms up, in Spring and Summer. Look out for them on beach tracks and with a torch after dark on warm nights.
Foster Medical Centre routinely carries snake antivenom. (03) 5682 2088. South Gippsland Hospital. Phone: (03) 5683 9777
Polyvalent Snake Antivenom does not require the identification of the particular snake; do not attempt to capture it.
Snake Catcher
Neil Arnup has now retired.
Call Todd Williams, 0437 116 805
Local Hazards or Issues
Use the Snap Send Solve app to report a hazard or issue.
South Gippsland Shire Council. Report an Issue Online
Power outage, check AusNet Outage Tracker