Sandy Point, Victoria

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Off with their heads!

Agapanthus are a popular garden plant, with large purple or white flower heads. They are hardy, easy to grow, and proliferate readily … which makes them a real danger to our native vegetation and wildlife habitat. Let’s keep them out of the bush. It’s best to not plant them in and around Sandy Point. But if you can’t live without them, we need to have the flower heads removed before they dry off and spread their seeds into the environment.

More information on Agapanthus from South Gippsland Landcare …

Here’s a message from the Community Composter in Fish Creek …

The Purple and White flowers are everywhere.  Yes it’s Agapathus time .
Enjoy the blooms now as the de-heading has started. Bags of heads are coming to the shed for feeding the composter now or storing with Bokashi for later.
If you would like to organise a de-heading around your area please contact Marg as we still have a bit of Covid funding courtesy of South Gippsland Shire to support community weeding bees and local cafes. Marg 0488592725