Sandy Point News
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Got some local news? ... email to news@sandypoint.vic.au 〰️
Caravan Park VCAT Decision
VCAT has upheld the South Gippsland Shire Council’s decision to refuse a permit for subdivision of the caravan park. The SPCG was an objector to the form of the subdivision and its urban character impact.
Council rejects Caravan Park Subdivision
That Council issue a Notice of Refusal for a 14 Lot Subdivision and Native Vegetation Removal at 89 Beach Parade, Sandy Point, on the following grounds:
Caravan Park Subdivision Application
In response, the Sandy Point Community Group (SPCG) made a submission to Council, and recently representatives of the SPCG Committee made a presentation to a Council hearing on the matter at the Sandy Point Community Centre. Council is still considering community submissions and we are currently awaiting a decision.
Notice of an Application for a Planning Permit
A Notice of an Application for a Planning Permit has been put on display at the caravan park, 89 Beach Parade, Sandy Point.