African Box-thorn (weed)
Lycium ferocissimum
COMMON NAME : African Box-thorn
BOTANICAL NAME : Lycium ferocissimum
FAMILY : Solanaceae
SIZE : Medium 2-5m
It is a shrub with many, many spiny branches and dull orange fruit.
It was introduced as a hedging plant and now is a fierce environmental weed as its botanical name indicates.
It warrants early removal once identified otherwise significant investment in chemical treatment/mechanical removal will be required.
The Shallow Inlet Coast Banksia Woodland site had numerous plants and now surveillance for regrowth is very important. It is listed as a Weed of National Significance in Australia.
Contributor: HB
Species profile for this plant at VicFlora
Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Weed Identification & Control
South Gippsland Landcare Network
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