Myrtle-leaf Milkwort / Polygala (weed)
Polygala myrtifolia
COMMON NAME : Myrtle-leaf Milkwort / Polygala
BOTANICAL NAME : Polygala myrtifolia
FAMILY : Polygalaceae
SIZE : Small <2m
An ornamental shrub, native to South Africa, which spreads easily into coastal dune systems from coastal gardens.
It has purple, mauve and white pea shaped flowers for much of the year.
It can be found deep in the coastal reserve above the Horse Track and has spread into coastal dune areas along Ennisvale and Second Avenue beach access tracks where it forms thickets.
This plant is highly invasive and meets the definition of an environmental weed in coastal communities in Victoria.
Contributor: HB
Species profile for this plant at VicFlora
Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Weed Identification & Control
South Gippsland Landcare Network
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