Sea Spurge (weed)
Euphorbia paralias
COMMON NAME : Sea Spurge
BOTANICAL NAME : Euphorbia paralias
FAMILY : Euphorbiaceae
This plant is native to the northern hemisphere.
It has spread rapidly along Victoria's coastline in the last ten years. It invades coastline, beaches, sand spits with even a small number of plants in the initial dune scrub locally.
It has been the subject of control attempts at Wilson's Promontory where controlled spraying and hand weeding has achieved success. Sea spurge produces thousands of salt tolerant seeds which can survive in ocean currents for years.
Mature plants are deeply rooted and require significant effort to remove. Small attempts have been made to remove plants at Shallow Inlet, where concerns are that they will significantly affect indigenous plant diversity and dune habitat if left to form established plant colonies.
Sea Spurge infestation also has the potential to impact on Hooded Plover habitat along the Waratah Bay coastline. Sea Spurge is also invading areas of the sand spit where tidal inundation occurs.
Gloves, long sleeved clothing and eye protection is important if planning to hand pull sea spurge as the white sap of the plant is toxic.
Contributor: HB
Species profile for this plant at VicFlora
Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Weed Identification & Control
South Gippsland Landcare Network
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