Activity #2

Sandy Point Coastal Banksia Woodland Project

JULY 30 2023

The second weeding activity for the Coastal Banksia Woodland Project on Saturday 30 July 2023 was another great success. We had a great turn up of enthusiastic folk in sunny weather. The main focus was removing English Ivy (Hedera helix) from trees and the ground, filling a total of ten green waste bins. Pittosporum and Cape Ivy were also removed from the south eastern corner of the site. 

See before and after photos … 

Thanks go to this hardworking team who were able to enjoy an extensive afternoon tea as reward for their efforts.

The next activity is planned for Saturday 12 August 2023. This will be the third of five weed reduction days prior to spring weed spraying by a contractor which will really consolidate our efforts. 

All of the weeding activities are planned to be completed by the end of the weekend of 30 September 2023 (AFL grand final weekend) as not only will the weather get warmer, but our slithery friends become more active.

Planned future dates are:

  • Saturday 12 August 2023

  • Saturday 26 August 2023

  • Saturday 2 September 2023

Thanks so much again as without the help of so many volunteers in our community it would not be possible. 
We are really making a noticeable difference and you know the saying “many hands make light work”.  
Please spread the word: more weeders are very welcome!

Coastal Banksia Woodland Project
Activity 3
Afternoon Weeding

We will be weeding on the southern and western edges of the project area concentrating on Mirror Bush, Pittosporum, Dolichos Pea, Asparagus Fern and English Ivy.

Date:        Saturday 12 August 2023

Time:        1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 

Meet at:    Picnic table on Roy Henderson Track. Look out for the WiSP flag.

Park at:     Inlet Carpark (5minute walk away)

Bring:        Protective clothing and shoes suitable for the weather.

Provided:  Tools, gloves and other PPE

Afternoon tea will be provided towards the end of the session at the picnic table. 

RSVP: to


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