Sandy Point News
Got some local news? ... email to news@sandypoint.vic.au
Got some local news? ... email to news@sandypoint.vic.au 〰️
Bats and Birds
On 23 September Wildlife in Sandy Point (WiSP), in collaboration with Microbats of Melbourne (with help from Bass Coast Bats) held an information session on microbats and how we can live together.
Activity #2
The second weeding activity for the Coastal Banksia Woodland Project on Saturday 30 July 2023 was another great success.
The Power of Whales and Citizen Science
This year whale sightings have been numerous from Cape Liptrap, Wilson’s Prom and Phillip Island.
Activity #1
Wildlife in Sandy Point (WiSP), under the auspice of Sandy Point Community Group (SPCG), has been successful in applying for a grant through Coastcare Victoria’s Statewide Coastal Programs. SPCG acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.
Coast Banksia Woodland Project
Wildlife in Sandy Point (WiSP), under the auspice of Sandy Point Community Group (SPCG), has been successful in applying for a grant through Coastcare Victoria’s Statewide Coastal Programs. SPCG acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.