Activity #1

Sandy Point Banksia Woodland Project

JULY 15 2023

On an overcast, showery and cool day 16 hard working volunteers removed a trailer load of weeds and lots of rubbish from the eastern section of our project area.

The main weed removed was Climbing Groundsel. This was confined to an area at the side of the track next to the marsh. The plants were cut off and the roots dug up. The plants growing under the Boobialla on the corner of the track had reached a height of about 5m onto the tree canopy. 

An infestation of Asparagus Fern was removed from the next section along the track.

Some Dolichos Pea that was growing near the picnic table and spreading into the manna gums and melaleucas was also removed, as were clumps of Lillies and Jonquils found around the area.

A former rubbish dump was cleaned up and many bags of bottles, broken crockery and bottles and other rubbish were removed. Also some of the smaller banksias were tagged.


Coastal Banksia Woodland Project.

Activity 2: Afternoon Weeding 

We will be weeding on the southern edge of the project area concentrating on Mirror Bush, Pittosporum, Dolichos Pea and English Ivy.

Date: Saturday 29 July 2023

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 

Meet at: Picnic table on Roy Henderson Track. Look out for the WiSP flag.

Park at: Inlet Carpark (5 minute walk away)

Bring: Protective clothing and shoes suitable for the weather. 

Provided: Tools, gloves and other PPE

Afternoon tea will be provided afterwards. (Venue will depend on the weather)

If you want to participate please contact the WiSP Habitat Group on


The Power of Whales and Citizen Science


Response to South Gippsland Shire Council Coastal Strategy