Response to South Gippsland Shire Council Coastal Strategy

UPDATE: The Draft Coastal Strategy is now open for community feedback until August 6.

Draft Coastal Strategy - tabled at Council meeting 19 July, 2023

The Coastal Strategy sets out how Council will work to identify and mitigate coastal hazards in order to protect coastal communities and our precious coastal environment. After an extensive community consultation process, Council has prepared a draft strategy. This will be tabled at the Council meeting on 19th July.

The public will then have 2 weeks in which to have their say. Members of the Committee will 'live stream' the meeting and advise of the issues discussed and the outcome. 

A copy of the Council Agenda, Draft Coastal Management Strategy and link to live streaming can be accessed here:


The Sandy Point Community Group Response to the Discussion paper can be accessed here.

Image credit: Marco Hoefer


Activity #1


The Dancing Lady