Sandy Point News
Got some local news? ... email to news@sandypoint.vic.au
Got some local news? ... email to news@sandypoint.vic.au 〰️
Bats and Birds
On 23 September Wildlife in Sandy Point (WiSP), in collaboration with Microbats of Melbourne (with help from Bass Coast Bats) held an information session on microbats and how we can live together.
The Power of Whales and Citizen Science
This year whale sightings have been numerous from Cape Liptrap, Wilson’s Prom and Phillip Island.
Will’s Story
Over the recent long weekend, an intruder arrived in my backyard … actually, in Will’s backyard.
Hoodie banding day
BirdLIfe Australia’s Hoodie banding activity took place at Sandy Point on January 25, 2023
Whale watch season highlights
This year whale sightings have been numerous from Cape Liptrap, Wilson’s Prom and Phillip Island.
Cape Liptrap Lyrebird Count 2022
This year is the 9th annual Lyrebird Count, when volunteers spend 2 short early morning stints listening and recording the location of lyrebirds in the Walkerville / Waratah Bay area.