Yellow Sea-lavender
Limonium australe var australe
COMMON NAME : Yellow Sea-lavender
BOTANICAL NAME : Limonium australe var australe
FAMILY : Plumbaginaceae
EVC : Coastal Saltmarsh
Yellow Sea-lavender is endangered in Victoria. It occurs in coastal saltmarsh communities from Bellarine Peninsula to Corner Inlet. It prefers the boundary area between the wet and dry saltmarsh.
It is a relatively short lived perennial with erect, ridged or angular flowering stems, 20 to 45 cm high. The stems appear during summer and become covered in yellow flowers surrounded by a papery pink calyx.
The species constantly regenerates through annual seed production and germination in its preferred niche within the saltmarsh.
Its leaves are rosetted at the base and can be seen throughout the year at Shallow Inlet, both to the north and to the south of the ‘beach’ at the end of Sandy Point Road.
The threats faced by Yellow Sea-lavender along the Victorian coast include climate change, sea level rise, pollution and loss of saltmarsh habitats through land-fill, sea walls and other infrastructure.
Contributor: CT
Species profile for this plant at VicFlora
Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.
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