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Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2. Activity 1

Activity #1. Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2

Weeding Activity

Local weed warriors braved the elements to remove 6 green bins of weeds from the Roy Henderson Trail, followed by a well deserved cuppa and hot sausage rolls. Well done, a great start to the second stage Coast Banksia Woodland Project.

The first Saturday weeding activity for the Stage 2 Grant.

Saturday July 20, 1 pm till 3 pm

Removing climbing weeds from a small area close to the trail. Jobs for all dexterity levels provided, all very welcome

  • Parking: at Shallow Inlet carpark

  • Meet at the Picnic table on the Roy Henderson trail at Shallow Inlet (Look out for the WiSP flag)

  • What to bring: wear old clothes and sturdy footwear, hat, water bottle

  • Provided: tools and PPE, some gloves etc

Afternoon tea 2.30 pm at Picnic Table 

Please RSVP for catering purposes with dietary requirements to or 0499006800

Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Weeding activity
25 May

Jungle Jim Smith

27 July

Midwinter Feast