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Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2. Activity 2

Activity #2. Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2

Weeding Activity

Saturday August 10, 1 pm till 3 pm
The second Saturday weeding activity for the Stage 2 Grant.

Removing a variety of environmental weeds from a small area (Site C) close to the trail and trackside. Jobs for all dexterity levels provided, all very welcome

  • Parking: at Shallow Inlet carpark

  • Meet at the High Tide gate along Roy Henderson Trail. We suggest you walk up the trail from the Shallow Inlet end and admire our recent work.  (Look out for the WiSP flag)

  • What to bring: wear old clothes and sturdy footwear, hat, water bottle

  • Provided: tools and PPE, some gloves etc

No afternoon tea will be provided as we hope you will all come to the Casserole tea 6 pm at Eaton’s Place

Please RSVP for catering purposes with dietary requirements and what you can bring to share to or 0499006800

27 July

Midwinter Feast

24 August

Jordie Lane