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Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2. Activity 3

Activity #3. Coast Banksia Woodland Project : Stage 2

Weeding Activity

Saturday September 7, 1 pm till 3 pm
The third Saturday weeding activity for the Stage 2 Grant.

Activity - Removal of Dolichos Pea from the bottom of the infested Coast Banksias, and removal of Dolichos Pea from White Elderberry bushes and other low growing native plants. The remaining weed on the woodland floor will be sprayed by contractors.

Where -  Meet at the CBWP Site B - 2 stake. 
This is about an 8 minute walk from the suggested parking area below.

Parking - on the roadside near the gate just before the second 80km sign after leaving Sandy Point. Look out for the WiSP flag.  Alternately walk from the Shallow Inlet Carpark, or the Manuka Street Carpark.

Bring - hat, water bottle, raincoat and wear old clothes and sturdy footwear. Wear gaiters if you have some. We have 6 pairs of gaiters for use by volunteers.

Provided - Tools, PPE including gloves.

Refreshments - Afternoon tea will follow the activity, back at the meeting place if weather allows. If anyone could bring a thermos filled with boiling water that would be great. Tea, coffee etc provided along with cake or biscuits.

RSVP  - or 0499006800

24 August

Jordie Lane

21 September

WiSP Spring Event