Walk and Talk, and Weeding on the Roy Henderson Trail
This is an opportunity to discover what indigenous plants are on the trackside, and to do a small amount of trackside weeding in a section of the Roy Henderson Trail that has not been weeded by our group before. It starts at 9.30 am and will end by 11 am
We will enter the trail along Sandy Point Road at the flag opposite the Horse Track link. We will walk to an area after the first Banksia woodland, all the while talking about indigenous plants. An indigenous plant information sheet will be provided detailing plants seen in this section of the track.
We hope then to spend a short time removing small weeds from the trackside. A 200 m long section of trackside has been targeted that has a small weed load. Initial weed invasion occurs along these tracks where humans and animal’s travel. Early intervention and removal of these weeds prevents spread deeper into this area and to our project area closer to Shallow Inlet.
We plan on returning to this start point at the end of the activity for a shared morning tea.
Date: Monday 6 November 2023 (Melbourne Cup weekend)
Time: 9.30-11.00 am
Meet at: The second entry gate to Roy Henderson trail, opposite to the Horse Track link and near the 80 kph sign on Sandy Point Road. Lookout for the WiSP flag.
Park at: Roadside or walk from Sandy Point.
Bring: Protective clothing including hat, shoes suitable for weather and walking on the trail, and a bottle of water for personal use.
Tools: provided
Enjoy: Morning tea around 11 am.
Please RSVP for catering purposes to sandypointhabitat@gmail.com
After the event …
Volunteers enjoying morning tea after this 'Walk, Talk and Weed '